SSL Now Activated!

I just finished getting some self signed certs installed on the server. This means all sites will have SSL logins and I can start allowing people to register! Also look for a follow-up post on how I made it all work.


The server has been switched from self signed …

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Restoring Grub for an Encrypted LVM

LVM and Luks encryption can be a simple and effective combination to keeping your data safe. However, encryption tends to complicate things a bit when it comes to data recovery and system repair. In order to repair a grub install, most people can just use a live "rescue" Linux CD …

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So what is the deal with encryption? What is it? What does it do? Why would I want to use it? How does it work? How can I put it to use? These are all very good questions and by the end of this article, you'll be considered an "Encryption …

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